Henry Jenkins’ article,
“The Cultural Logic of Media Convergence,” reminds me of an article we
read before, “Star Trek Rerun, Reread, Rewritten: Fan Writing as Textual
Poaching,” because it is obvious that his research on fans and fan culture
provides his theory of media convergence with a foundation. When he talks about
media convergence, he focuses on the relationship between production and
consumption, producers and consumers, to explore the cultural logic of these
relationships in the new media ecology, i.e., to discuss the future
development of media convergence and to rethink the effect of media
convergence on the social structure. As he claims, “media convergence
is more than simply a technological shift.” He points out that “convergence
alters the relationship between existing technologies, industries, markets,
genres, and audiences.” In the article, using the term “convergence” liberally,
alone, without placing “media” ahead of it, indicates that he
prefers to emphasize a macroscopic analysis of the new communication pattern.
Meanwhile, he points out that uneven social development would be reflected in
the uneven rate of convergence, and the power of the collective intelligence
would reshape the forms of social community and balance the hegemonic power of
the traditional media environment. However, the power of the collective
intelligence embodying the active behavior of the consumers raises an
ambivalent and more complicated media system that involves economy, politics,
and law. We have to be dialectical to talk about the sentence that “some fear
that media is out of control; others that it is too controlled. Some see a
world without gatekeepers; others a world where gatekeepers have unprecedented
power” (34).
Just think about the
presentation I gave in week 8. In the “we media age,” the consumers of
traditional media became the grassroots producers of new media, and they use
the new media as a communication means to make the social experiment videos.
Nevertheless, when they record others’ behavior candidly and blame them,
it is a way of social supervision or "medium Justice," which is
to intervene in the judicatory independence by reason of press freedom; that
is, judicatory justice is replaced with morality justice.
It's good that you brought up the articles that have to do with fandom because I thought of that as part of media convergence and convergence in general. Blogs are a form of convergence and just thinking about your presentation and Anne's presentation, it comes to show how different mediums are slowly becoming one.